Monday, October 18, 2010

Interview with Clair Littleton the Music Critic

Just a few short years ago she was a scared, lonely, and young mother-to-be flying on a plane to LA to put her baby up for adoption. Then WABAM! throw in a plane crash to a mysterious island, giving birth, falling for a drug-addicted semi-rock star, being a pawn for the smoke monster, and then being separated from her baby for three years, and voila, she becomes a cold-blooded killer. Oh LOST, what a show. But anyways, she has recently picked up music criticism and talks here about First Aid Kit’s first LP, The Big Black and the Blue:

incandescentbanter: So First Aid Kit. Another Fleet Foxes wanna be band, just with a Swedish female vocals twist?

Clair: (cutsie Australian accent) Oh my gosh no! Well, I will be honest, my very first impressions of the band were just like you described, but it only took a few minutes of listening to tell they stand out from the mold.

incandescentbanter: And how do they do that? They have losts, sorry, lots of acoustic guitar, harmonization, songs about winter and the occasional instrument that you cant pronounce the name of featured.
Clair: They put a ton of emotion in their songs. You can feel it. In fact, there were a couple times where chills ran down my back as I gave the album my first listen. I hadnt had that happen to me from music in a while. Makes me think of my son Aaron.
incandescentbanter: Statndout track?

Clair: I Met Up with the King is particularly good. Almost made me cry.

incandescentbanter: So how do you relate with these Sweedish girls?

Clair: Well they are very young, still in their teens, but their lyrics suggest theyve done a lot of growing up. My having a baby so young made me do the same. Also, their musicianship really reminds me of Charlie, he puts of lot of emotion in his songs too. You all need to listen to his band, Drive Shaft too (you’re welcome Charlie!).

incandescentbanter: Alrighty, thanks Clair!

First Aid Kit
The Big Black & The Blue
Wichita (2010)


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

losts....ha. so clever.