Interview with ELMO the music critic
Although ELMO is more known for his career as a childrens entertainer, his recent retirement has lead to success in critiquing new releases from relevant artists. Heres his latest:
incandescentbanter: Tell us about the initial reaction from the latest from Crystal Casltes?
ELMO: Well, Elmo had high expectations for their highly anticipated second release and Elmo has to say, they were well met.
incandescentbanter: Whats good about the album?
ELMO: From Elmos experience with children Elmos learned that simple is good, and most of CCs songs follow the same, simple layout of ABA(B+A). Also, bass beats are driven hard in every song of this album which tickles me just right.
incandescentbanter: Any minuses?
ELMO: 'Drowned in Sound’ described their music this way : "ferocious, asphyxiating sheets on warped one-dimensional Mario Paint loops and bruising drum bombast that beats into the heart with sheer shrill force, and burrowing deeply into the mind of free thought like a fever," if youre into that kind of stuff you wont be disappointed.
cool cool cool :)
well I say that socks are mighty fine, but if you want my opinion on the coolest socks ever, they belong to tara rowley. They are argyle and see through. Crazy! oh and there is this site that sells socks in packs of 3 because 1 always gets lost!! oh and there are massage socks that are maps of the pressure points and chakras and how to get the best massage.
It's too bad they don't make Lost socks. Those are the socks for you.
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